Will of Thomas Owzeby 8th June 1682
In the name of God Amen, I Thomas Owzeby of ye parifh of Hefkett and county of Cumberland ......... being sick in body, but of perfect rembrance, praifed be God for ye same doe make & ordaine this my laft will & teftament in manner & form following viz:
ffirft I bequeath my soul into ye hands of God my blefsed Creator everything through ye meritorius death & pafsion of my blefsed saviour & Redeemer to receive pardon & forgivenefs of all my sins & my body to be decently buried within ye churchyard of Hefkett afortd to ye difcretion of my Executors & Executrixes, hereafter mentioned, And for my wordly Goods I order & difpofe of them as followeth viz:
Item I give unto Thomas Owzeby my Eldest son one dun coloured horfe as a legacy. Item I give unto William Owzeby my son the sum of twenty and five pounds. Item I give unto my daughter Jane Reynoldson twelve Hogg=sheep, And of all ye reft of my worldly goods (after my death, legacies & ffunerall expenfes are difcharged, I order & appoint my son William aforementioned & Margarett Owzeby & ffrances Owzeby, my daughters to be my Executor of this my laft will & teftement. In witnefs whereof I have here sett my hand & seal ye 8th day of June Anno Domi 1682.
sealed & signed
in ye prefence of us
John Owzeby senior his mark Thomas Owzeby
John Owzeby jurat his mark mark & seal
Tho: Wells
A true & perfect Inventory of all moveable Goods & chattells of Thomas Owzeby of ye parifh
of Hefkett lately deceafed prized ye fourteenth day of June by John Owzeby, Thomas Olivant, John Barker & Lancelott Garth Anno Domi 1682
Imph His Apparrell Horfe & riding gear 05 00 00
Item five oxen & a heifer 13 00 00
Item two mares 03 00 08
Item three kine 06 00 00
Item sheep 30 00 00
Item seed & ardor 16 17 00
Item Rye & Bigg 02 06 00
Item one winding cloth, sack & wool 02 04 00
Item Bedding 06 00 00
Item Three Bedfheets 00 15 00
Item Three chifts 01 10 00
Item woollen cloth & havna cloth 01 06 00
Item The apparell of Elizabeth his deceafed wife 01 00 00
Item Brafs, puter & fine vefell & wood vefell 01 15 00
Item one cupbard 01 00 00
Item Loofe wood, fuell & manner 01 00 00
Item Hufbandry gear 01 10 00
Item One table, one shelfe, chairs, forms & a stone trough 00 10 00
Item One chift more 00 08 00
In all 95 09 08
bills owing to ye deceafed by severall perfons 36 18 00
sum total 131 18 00
Tho: Wells
Curate of Hefkett