Will of John Owzeby 22nd April 1692
In the name of God Amen I John Owzeby elder of Nether Gate in the Pifh of Hefket & County of Cumberland being weak & infirm with sicknefs & old age but of sound & perfect remembrance praifed be God do make & ordaine this last will & teftament in Manner & forms following viz firft I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my mercifull Creator everything through the meritorious death & pafsion of Chrift Jefus my mercifull Saviour & Redeemer to receive free pardon & forgivenefs of all my Sins & my body to be decently buried in Chriftian Buriall to the difcretion of my hereafter named Executor & for that portion of worldly Goods which the Lord hath blefsed me with I order & difpofe of them as followeth viz.
Firft I Give unto Elizabeth Owzeby my wife All thofs my Goods & chattells both Quick & dead at Wragmire & doe utterley remit & forgive unto her ...... heirs & Executor Thirty Pounds which I lent or laid out for her ufe before our Marriagge. Item I give unto Chriftopher Owzeby Margarett Owzby Grace Owzby & Ann Bowmer my Grand children each of them five pounds apiece to be paid to them by my Executor as soon as they shall accomplifh the age of twenty one years. Item I leave unto John Owzeby my Grandchild two Oxen & twenty sheep. Item I Give unto Thomas Owzeby my Grandchild one black mare & twenty sheep. Item I Give unto ffrances Ollivant my daughter John Ollivant & Sarah Atkinfon my Grandchildren Each of them twenty shillings apiece. Item All the rest of my Goods & chattells Bills Bonds & sums of money what soever after my bills legacies & ffuneral expenses are paid & difcharged I give & bequeath unto John Owzeby my son whom I make sole Executor of this my laft will & teftament. In witnefs whereof I have here unto put my hand and seal the twenty second day of Aprill Anno domi 1692.
Witnefses hereof
John Robfon mark R jurat John Owzeby
John Hodgefon jurat his mark & seal
Tho: Wells jurat
A perfect Inventory of the moveable Goods & chattells of John Owzeby late of ye pifh of Hefket deceafed. Prized upon 23rd day of June Anno dominii 1692 by Thomas Stevenfon John Robfon Robert Lamley and John Mallifon.
Item his Apparrell horfe & riding gear 05 00 00
Item kines Oxen & young beafts 18 00 00
Item sheep lambs & wool 25 15 00
Item Bigg Rye peafs hay & straw 02 03 04
Item hufbandry gear 00 13 05
Item sacks & winding cloths 00 05 02
Item one ladder & wooden vefsell 00 07 04
Item Bedding & bedfheets 00 17 08
Item Arks & chifls 00 16 09
Item Cupboard & table 01 00 00
Item Brafs pewter & fine vefsell 01 00 04
Item Meal & Groals 00 08 00
Item Swine & Pultry 00 06 00
Item seed & arder 03 02 06
Item one halikett & wimbols 00 01 08
Item Bills & Bonds 28 10 00
In all 88 07 00
Goods at Wragmire
Item kines Oxen & young beafts 10 00 00
Item sheep 02 00 00
Item houfehold gear 01 15 02
Item Bedding & bedfheets 01 10 00
Item Swine & pultry 00 05 00
In all 15 10 02
ffuneral expenfes 5 00 00
Tho: Wells
Thomas Stevenson jurat Curate of Hefket
John Robson jurat ---"--- -----"------
Robert Lamley jurat