Will of John Ousby 1726
In ye name of god amen I John Oufby of ould town in ye parifh of Hefket and County of Cumberland yoman being weak in Body butt perfect in memory Do make and ordain this my laftt will and teftamentt in manor and form following ffirft I Bequeath my soull into ye hand of all mighty god my havenly savour hoping through ye Death of Chriftt tto receive free pardon for sins paftt and my body to be decently Buried tto ye Difcretion of my executor hearafter mentioned as for ye portion of goods wherewith ye Lord heath Indowed me with I give and Bequeath as followeth: Item: I give and bequeath ubto my Daughter Jane ten pounds. Item I give and bequeath to ye Child that my wife is now with ten pounds Butt if ye afad Child Did before itt Comes off age ye sad ten pounds is to go tto my Daughter Jane: Item I give untto Dorothy Watt ttwenty Shillings all ye Reft of my goods and chattles Moveable and Imoveable my Debts, Legacies and funerall expenfes being payed and Difcharged I give and bequeath untto my wife Elizabeth whom I Doo apontt Solle Executor of this my laft will and teftament Revoking all former wills and teftamentts whatt So Ever formarly maid by me
In witnefs ye Same
Ann Watt mark
jurat Richard Clark auguft ye 4: 1726
jurat Mary Clark
jurat Samuel Clark
Will of John Ousby 1726
Noveurit ...... Seutes Nos Elizabeth Ousby de Old town Wid Richard Clark de Hesket yeom Samuele Clarke de Hesket yeom
Teneri & firue Obligari Revd iiii epopii et Duo Duo & odaini perfione dia Carlile Epo inocloginta Libus bome & legtis inocta magna Britannia Solvond ord Epo aut Suo certe in hat parte attornat Extoribus Adlosibus Surrofsoribus siveAfsignat fuo Old quam quidnd Nos Solutonoru benez fidelt faciond Obligamus nos queouitet wid Ofe ploto & in folio Ixerodr & Extores & Adlose nos firm pop Eionton Sigilly mis Sigillat Dat virome Septumo diemonfis Augusti Anno Dui 1726
The condicion of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Elizabeth Oufby Extrix of the laft will & teftament of John Oufby late of Oldtown in the diocefe of Carlile yeom Deced.
Do pay all his debts legacys so far as his goods will extend & as the law shall bind her ...... also she do Exhibit into the Confiftory Court of Carlile a true & perfect inventory of all singular the goods Rights Credits Cattels & chattels of the said deced and do make a full & juft attempt of all the same when she shall be show unto lawfully called and moreover if need required Enter into further Bond with more sufficient Suretys as the judge of the said court for the time being shall think requifite for obedience of the promifes And laftly she shall save Defend & harmlefs keep the said Right Redvd ffather in God the Chancellor & all other their officers & minifters agreeaball whatsoever by reafon of the promifes perform that then this obligation to be void in full force & virtue
Signed Sealed Elizabeth Ousey
in the prefence Richard Clark
Peter Gibson Samuel Clark
A true & perfectt Inventory of all the goods and Chattles moveable and immovable of John Oufby Late de Oldtown in the parifh off Hefket and County of Cumberland yeoman deceafed taken and apprized this seventeeth day of August Anno domi 1726 by us whofe names are here unto subfcribed as followeth
L S d
Item his horfe sadle purfe and Apparell 9 00 0
Item Black Cattle 12 00 0
Item Sheep old and young 4 00 0
Item Corn growing on the ground & hay 9 00 0
Item a bay mear 1 10 0
Item hufbandry Gear & Corn Storefhed 2 10 0
Item Goods ith chamber 1 15 0
Item Goods ith houfe 5 00 0
Item Mannor gruell & pultrey 0 10 0
In all 45 05 0
Debts owing by the deceafed 19 19 0
ffunerall Expenses 2 16 6
Apprized by us vizt debtless goods
John Mallifon jurat Apud Carliol 27 die menfis Auguste Anno Dii
Tho parker 1726 Exhibit fuil humodi Inv ac Adeo benez
Willm Watt fuil Extriciin Teftamto noiat jurat & c.
Samuell Cark jurat