Will of Elizabeth Owzeby 1696
In the name of God Amen Elizabeth Owzeby in the pafh of Hefket & County of Cumberland widdw being weak & sick in body but of sound & perfect memory praifed be God made & ordained this her laft will & teftement in manner and form hereafter saying
ffirft I give unto Jane Lowdon my Daughter in Law two shillings & sixpence. Item I give unto Grace Lowthian my Grandchild two ewes, one cordwain & one Cowell. Item I give unto Mrs Mabel Ramidy a pair of Gloves & one shilling. Item I give unto Margarett Moufon a pair of Gloves & one shilling. Item I give unto Jane Hinkfon my neice one Brafs pott, one puter difh, one Bolfter, one double Happin, one sheet, one Gown & one petticote. Item I give unto Jenett Hinkfon one hatt. Item I give unto John Lowthian my Eldeft son two Bedfheets, one chift together with one cheftBedd, one Bolfter & one Lappin. Item All the reft of my Goods & chattels of ...... hath ...... forever (after my debts, Legacies & ffunerell expenfes are paid & difcharged) I give unto Thomas Lowthian my younger son whom I make sole Executrix of this my laft will & teftement. In .......... whereof ....... ....... ....... witnefs doe subfcribe our name this 5th day of Auguft Anno Domi 1696.
John Lowdon jurat
Jane Lowdon mark jurat
Jane Hinkfon mark jurat
Obligation for the Will of Elizabeth Owzeby 1696
....................................Thomas Lowthian de Wragmire head ni bond Bumbr yeo & Johnem ffifher de boathill ni dro bond yeo
This condicion of this obligation is such that of the Above bounden doo pay all Debts and Legacys ........ goods wiil by ......... law shall bind .......
A true & perfect Inventory of all the moveable Goods & chattels of Elizabeth Owzeby late of the pifh of Hefkett deceafed Apprized upon the 31st day of Auguft in the year of our Lord God 1696
L S d
Imph Her Apparrell horfe & riding gear 04 00 00
Item One mare 02 00 00
Item Corn & hay 15 02 06
Item kine & young beafts 15 00 00
Item sheep old & young 05 00 00
Item Brafs, puter, wood vefsell & fine vefsell 02 10 00
Item Chifls Bedfheets 2 chairs & Buffets 03 01 00
Item Bedding 03 05 00
Item Swine Goofe & lamb 00 15 00
Item Hufbandry gear 01 03 06
Item Meal & Groats 00 03 04
52 00 04
Debts owing to the deceafed
by Mich: Wilfon 01 08 03
Wm. Lowther 00 10 00
Cath: Nelfon 00 07 00
Jane Baly 00 04 08
02 09 11
ffunerall Expenses 03 19 06
owing by the deceafed to Jane Hinkfon 00 11 00
to Clem: Parker 00 11 00
to Others 00 02 10 06
05 06 10 06
The names of the
Apprizers Tho: Wells
Jo: ffifher jurat Curate of Hefkett
Tho: Robley jurat
Jo: Mallifon
Wm. Eallentine